Offering in Worship
“The offering” is inbuilt into our liturgy in our worship service. Yet it seems that we have in many places lost the deeply meaningful connection between the offering of our money, and our remembering of Christ’s sacrificial offering in the Eucharist. That the money and the bread and wine are brought up together is no coincidence. Since money represents us in a way that nothing else can, it is the offering of money that is the closest proxy we can have to offering ourselves.
As the service moves from the liturgy of the Word into Liturgy of Sacrament, the offering of ourselves is represented by the gift of money, as we remember the offering of Christ while we receive the bread and wine. The Christian who gives primarily out of a sense of obligation invariably fails to sense the joy, the liberation, the power, the oneness with our Lord that comes from giving out of thankfulness and out of a response to love.
Stewardship is ministry undertaken by every member of the congregation who is prepared to accept and live by the teachings of Christ Himself. God has given to us. It matters little that the nature of our response is inevitably inadequate— this is so whether we give a dollar, a tithe or a double tithe. What is important is that our hearts are sincere, and that our offering is precisely that, an offering which reflects and represents what God has given to us.
In our Parish at Grovely your offering is always gratefully received in any form you may choose, either by cash in the plate or by cash in envelopes (that are provided) or by Direct Debit Giving. If you wish to arrange Direct Debit Giving please pick up an ANFIN brochure in the foyer, phone ANFIN on (07) 3838 7755 or email
Online donations to the Parish can be made securely using BPOINT by clicking HERE and then entering your details (ie. your name, email address, phone number, etc). Alternatively electronic transfers to the Parish account can be made using BSB: 704-901 and Account Number: 00000910.
Youth Ministry Fund
Your donations to the fund helps to financially support the part-time position of our Young People’s/Youth Minister. We are very grateful for any monetary gift offered. The banking details for online transfers to the Youth Ministry Fund are as follows:
Account Name: ANFIN Grovely Youth Ministry Fund
Account Number: 00015406
BSB: 704 901
Containers for Change
The Containers for Change money is a separate fund to the Youth Ministry Fund. However the money raised from containers for change will be used to support the activities of the youth group and will therefore rise and fall. Our Containers for Change scheme number is: C10119722. For more information about Containers for Change (like eligible containers, etc), please visit the website
By leaving a financial gift in your Will or making a bequest, you will provide ongoing support for the Ministry and Mission of Grovely Parish. For more information on suggested wording for gifts in Wills or bequests to Parish, please contact the Rector or Parish Wardens.
Memorial Giving
Memorial giving is a wonderful and meaningful way to memorialize and remember our loved ones. Memorial gifts can make a difference now. They are a purposeful way of supporting the future ministry and mission of our church. Your memorial gift can support Grovely Parish and can continue to impact the lives of those served by our parish.