Small Groups
This parish has a commitment to small groups that are open and available to anyone inquiring and looking at God’s word and connection with this world. Enquiries to Peter Hartshorn (07 3351 5439).

Sunday School
The parish Sunday School runs during the 9 am service at All Saints’ church, during school term. It caters for primary school children, prep age and above.
There is a Children’s area in the All Saints’ church for younger children, with a sound system to provide the service for parents.
Please contact Jan Dellit 07 3351 3034 for enquiries.
Eucharistic Services at Nursing Homes
We have monthly Eucharistic services at Nursing homes in the Parish area:
- 1st Thursday of the month at Bellevue Care, Ferny Hills
- 3rd Tuesday of the month at Madonna Villa, Mitchelton
- 4th Tuesday of the month at Regis Nursing home, Ferny Grove
- Keperra Sanctuary, Keperra, as rostered
For more details please contact the Parish Office.
The Choir has two main roles:
Grovely Choir Rehearsal, All Saints every Thursday night 7.30pm – 8.30pm. to support the singing of the Congregation during the Sunday Eucharist at All Saints, and
- to sing an appropriate piece during the distribution of Communion.
To help members of the Congregation to sing enthusiastically, the Choir makes sure that its own members can sing the Mass setting and hymns with confidence. In the 9.00 am Eucharist, we cycle through several Masses as the liturgical seasons of the year progress, so one of our weekly tasks during rehearsal is to practise the up-coming setting. We also check that we can sing any of the next Sunday’s hymns that might present a difficulty to the Congregation.
During Communion, the Choir performs a hymn intended to enhance the Congregation’s spiritual experience. While many of these are regular hymns from Together in Song, others are pieces drawn from other hymnaries or from the works of the great composers of Church music. Where possible, we sing in four parts, Soprano, Alto, Tenor and Bass, but sometimes we sing in unison. Occasionally, we use other strategies to vary the performance, such as incorporating solos and singing the piece antiphonally or as a round.
In the liturgies for the main Holy Days, such as Easter and Christmas, the Choir often performs several pieces. On Good Friday, for some years, we have presented the traditional choral Tenebrae liturgy at St Matthews.
We meet at All Saints every second Thursday night for rehearsal between 7.30pm and 8.30pm. All are welcome, no experience necessary!
Mothers Union

Mothers’ Union Australia is part of a worldwide fellowship of Christians united in prayer, worship and service.
Our Mothers’ Union (MU) group at Grovely parish is a vibrant and welcoming group. It is a feature of MU to adapt to the needs of the parish and community wherein it is active. All parishioners and members of the community are welcome to participate in our activities.
Our meetings are held at 10:45 am at St Matthews Hall on the third Wednesday of every month. You are very welcome to attend; there is no obligation for membership.
Please contact Kathryn Lum on 3355 5065 (Mob 0420 859 190) or the Parish Office for any further details.